My Cents Positive Letter to My Future Self

Still time to enter the giveaway for a signed, hardcover copy of Dollars & Sense! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post by midnight tomorrow, Thursday, November 8th. Cents Positive is a women’s financial independence retreat, where those on the path to financial independence (or already there) canContinue reading “My Cents Positive Letter to My Future Self”

Life as a Living Statue, Party Crashing, & New Friends (FinCon Recap)

FinCon is an annual conference for money nerds of all sorts, meaning I was with *my people* for four days (even longer, actually, as the wonderful Kara from Bravely put me up in Austin for three nights)! Two separate podcasts interviewed me (the Plutus award-winning Stacking Benjamins, and the soon-to-be-Plutus-award-winning Fairer Cents), I have halfContinue reading “Life as a Living Statue, Party Crashing, & New Friends (FinCon Recap)”

Free Events in and Around Boston

The weekend before last we went to the Boston Local Food Festival on the Greenway in Boston. While we used the opportunity as our one fancy “nom out” for the month (see this post for details on our monthly adventures), there were loads of free samples, a cooking competition, and demonstrations all for free. We even gotContinue reading “Free Events in and Around Boston”

Saving Money on Money (International Transfers)

This is not a sponsored post, but there are affiliate links to TransferWise, a company we enthusiastically support and reached out to. I love technology. So much information at our fingertips, such almighty power compared to twenty years ago. So why is so much banking technology awful? At work I could spin up a network ofContinue reading “Saving Money on Money (International Transfers)”

Diving With Octogenarians and Not Worrying (So Much) About Money

These past 6 weeks have been crazy busy. Three work trips and a 10 day vacation totaling $5883 (over five months rent!!). The work trips were actually pretty great in their own rights. I was able to get in some sightseeing, meet up with family I haven’t seen since I was literally a baby, and growContinue reading “Diving With Octogenarians and Not Worrying (So Much) About Money”

Montreal and New Straw

We went on vacation to Montreal earlier this month! During a snowstorm! And it was fun! We live in the Boston area, meaning we’re about a five hour drive away from Montreal. And yet, in our years living around Boston, we’ve never visited Canada. A foreign country, with a foreign language (in Quebec province), right there,Continue reading “Montreal and New Straw”

Travel Hacking – Does it Work?

And more importantly, how much time and effort does it take? Fergus and I try to have a balanced view of financial planning – we’re not about to spend all our evenings and weekends working just to reach retirement a little sooner. At the same time, we’re not going to spend hard earned money onContinue reading “Travel Hacking – Does it Work?”