My Two Major Financial Industry Experience Design Takeaways (& Giveaway!)

Last week I had the opportunity to cover Mad*Pow‘s Financial Experience Design (FXD) conference in Boston, a place where design leaders serving banks, insurance providers, educational nonprofits, and investment companies come together to talk about how to optimize experiences for their customers. For a play-by-play, check out #FXD2018 and my thread on Twitter. Stick around to the endContinue reading “My Two Major Financial Industry Experience Design Takeaways (& Giveaway!)”

Donating a Year’s Salary to Our Donor-Advised Fund

We started this year dedicating ourselves to $2,680 in charitable donations, ten times our previous, pitiful contributions. Just a few days ago we officially fully funded our donor-advised fund, meaning we could theoretically maintain that $2,680 each year for the rest of our lives (we haven’t touched on too many specifics of our spending onContinue reading “Donating a Year’s Salary to Our Donor-Advised Fund”

4 Things You Should NEVER Do When Investing

Hey, all! Felicity here, announcing a guest post from Troy of Market History. Troy’s site is a treasure trove of detailed, historical market data. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive source, short of paying Bloomberg half of an average household’s income. Additionally, Troy explains historic market actions for those of us who are aContinue reading “4 Things You Should NEVER Do When Investing”

Case Study: Low Income, No Credit, and House Hungry

Recently I’ve had the pleasure of corresponding with an absolutely lovely young couple that wanted some advice. For anonymity’s sake, let’s call them…Amelia and George. Amelia and George are wonderful savers, partially due to necessity right now, as George is a full time student and Amelia is the current breadwinner with a small salary atContinue reading “Case Study: Low Income, No Credit, and House Hungry”

Rental Insurance and Holy Shit, Cambridge Fire

Last Saturday there was a ten alarm fire in Cambridge, MA, the largest fire in the area since the 80s. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, but still – holy shit. Eleven buildings, over 60 people affected, multiple fire departments on the scene, and now that area looks unrecognizable. It started scarily close to Fergus’s gradContinue reading “Rental Insurance and Holy Shit, Cambridge Fire”

Index Funds: What John Oliver Left Out

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver is just a glorious show. This Sunday’s show was no exception. If retirement accounts and fund choices scare you, that video is a fantastic introduction to investing that touts the benefits of index funds and the dangers of non-fiduciary financial advisors. The thing is, I was an index investing convert even before IContinue reading “Index Funds: What John Oliver Left Out”