Is Work Optional Anything New? (+Giveaway!)

Disclaimer: I received a free, advance copy of Work Optional for review purposes and personally know the author, Tanja Hester. I am not being paid to write this review, but as an Amazon affiliate, I may receive a commission if you click on any Amazon links and make a purchase. 50% of any profit on thisContinue reading “Is Work Optional Anything New? (+Giveaway!)”

My Cents Positive Letter to My Future Self

Still time to enter the giveaway for a signed, hardcover copy of Dollars & Sense! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post by midnight tomorrow, Thursday, November 8th. Cents Positive is a women’s financial independence retreat, where those on the path to financial independence (or already there) canContinue reading “My Cents Positive Letter to My Future Self”

My Two Major Financial Industry Experience Design Takeaways (& Giveaway!)

Last week I had the opportunity to cover Mad*Pow‘s Financial Experience Design (FXD) conference in Boston, a place where design leaders serving banks, insurance providers, educational nonprofits, and investment companies come together to talk about how to optimize experiences for their customers. For a play-by-play, check out #FXD2018 and my thread on Twitter. Stick around to the endContinue reading “My Two Major Financial Industry Experience Design Takeaways (& Giveaway!)”

Why I’m Not Buying a Ticket to FinCon19 (& FinCon18 Recap)

Apologies for not linking out to all the amazing people and friends I saw at FinCon18! My internet is very dodgy currently, making my usual habit of 20+ tabs for hyperlinking purposes untenable. Know that I’m thinking of you. ❤ At the end of FinCon17, I immediately bought my ticket for FinCon18. Meeting so manyContinue reading “Why I’m Not Buying a Ticket to FinCon19 (& FinCon18 Recap)”

5 Ways Losing 50 Pounds and Saving $1M Was Exactly the Same

2018 is proving to be an eventful year for the Fetching Freedom Family. Three weddings of close friends and family and we are on track to be officially financially independent in mere months, you guys, a full year ahead of our original schedule and before my 29th birthday, even after putting a year’s salary intoContinue reading “5 Ways Losing 50 Pounds and Saving $1M Was Exactly the Same”

Reframing My Early Retirement Fears

“Draw a circle,” the leader instructed. She had an aura of someone who would embrace the label of “the cool aunt” and would totally have your back if Uncle Ed had anything to say about your unladylike unshaven legs at the Thanksgiving table, even if she herself always followed gender norms. With a ruffle ofContinue reading “Reframing My Early Retirement Fears”

Personal Finance Rules Are For Dicks

Today’s post is part of the Women Rock Money movement, with a massive 42 contributors at last count alone. Yes, that’s right, 42+ kickass women dropping knowledge today. While I haven’t been able to read the others at the time of this writing, as all the posts went live today at 6AM EST, but the snippetsContinue reading “Personal Finance Rules Are For Dicks”

Does Dollars and Sense Grow Cents?

Disclaimer: Links to Amazon are affiliate links  Dan Ariely has a knack for helping us understand ourselves as humans and delivering science in an approachable way. Probably best known for Predictably Irrational, a well-named tome about how humans behave irrationally (but in a predictable way), Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics. Basically,Continue reading “Does Dollars and Sense Grow Cents?”